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Phone sex… is the absolute best! 

For the same reason that the BOOK version of a story is always better than the movie, PHONE SEX is simply the ultimate sex experience short of the real thing, and can often be BETTER than the real thing!
Your brain is by far the biggest, most powerful sexual organ of your body! Nothing is more powerful than mental stimulation, and our ladies are experts at following your lead, and at the same time paying close attention to your fantasy and interjecting just the right amount of emphasis.  They’re also kinky enough to truly get into anything that turns you on…


Phone Sex is HOT! 

This is live personal interaction with a sexy, intelligent woman, hand-picked for her beautiful voice and naughty tendencies.  Sharing and acting out your desires with someone like this -- exploring what's in your mind and even assisting in directing the story, can be quite an experience.  You will be participating in a completely personalized fantasy that has absolutely NO LIMITS.  You can go places that you cannot in real life.  You can switch gears at any moment without offending your partner, and take the action wherever you would like it to go. 


Phone sex - better than PORN!

Porn movies or magazines leave relatively NOTHING at all to the viewer’s imagination.  You simply view someone else’s idea of a hot scene, or a woman posing, while your own desires and kinks are ignored.  Call us now and treat yourself to a mental encounter where you are in charge of all of the most important parts of your fantasy.  You choose the woman that you speak with and you’re in control.  Try doing that with a movie or a magazine!


Phone Sex really IS completely anonymous (with us, anyway)!


Other services either:

  • Make you talk with a bitchy live “dispatcher” who not only chooses your girl for you, but also forces you to take the very non-sexy step of trying to describe the sexual fantasy you’re looking for to this uppity snob who’s just certain that you really want to talk to her,
  • Or worse – they connect you with the actual woman you’re going to be speaking with, who gets to have your name, credit card number and all sorts of private information about you before beginning the call.  What’s anonymous about that???

With our service, you enter only your card number, expiration date and billing zip code.  Then you either browse the sexy greetings to select your girl, or enter the extension number of the one you already want.  It’s that simple.  Nothing to kill the mood or deprive you of your privacy.


Phone Sex is personalized!

For the ultimate in personalized Phone Sex, go back to our home page and scroll down to the chat room. Talk with one or many girls, and find the best one to add color and life and that that special touch to your fantasy, then give her a call!

You can also visit each girls' page to see her pictures and listen to her beautiful voice...

When you call 1-800 GET GALS and enter your card information, you're taken instantly to our voice greetings, where YOU select the girl that you're going to connect with! No guesswork - after all, you're the one that knows what kind of voice and personality gets your attention - not some dispatcher or a system that transfers you at random.


Phone Sex is SAFE sex!

No danger of unwanted commitment or other messy entanglements that real life sex can bring.  These include unwanted pregnancy or disease, just to name two.  Also, once you hang up the phone, you can be sure that no angry, jealous woman is going to call your wife or girlfriend later and try to expose your little encounter.  Your sexy secret is safe with us!

Phone Sex is SO GOOD for you!

Orgasm relieves tension, helps you sleep better, burn calories and actually releases endorphins that make you feel better physically and mentally... Getting your rocks off frequently has also been linked to lower incidences of heart attacks, prostate cancer, and even helps your body fight infection!

Phone Sex makes the WORLD a better place!

When you're calm and sexually satisfied, all those wonderful endorphins pumping through your body, you're just naturally even more wonderful than usual to be around. You owe it to those around you to call!

Copyright 2004 - 2012

All Rights Reserved

2257 Statement

All Models 18 or older at time of photography

All calls cost $3.99 per minute and are discreetly billed as "Phone Call"on your credit card statement. 900 calls are billed as "Personals".